Rotovac Professional Carpet Cleaning Equipment and Supplies
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Carpet Repair Package

Carpet Repair Package

Rotovac guarantees the lowest prices
Call 1-888-768-6822 for pricing

The Carpet Repair Package, designed for the carpet cleaner, contains the basic tools needed for any large or small carpet repair job. We have included a two-hour instructional video to guide you through everything from simple carpet repairs to stretching and re-seaming. Incorporating carpet repair into your carpet cleaning business is a great way to increase revenue and offer your customers additional service.
Rotovac Price: $449.00

A. Seam Iron
B. Seam Tape
C. Seam Roller
D. Cookie Cutter
E. Knee Kicker
F. Slotted Blades
G. Carpet Knife
H. Tool Box
I. Seam Squeezer Set
J. Napping Shears
K. Carpet Awl
L. Training Tape
M. Stair Tool
N. Rubber Mallet
O. Glue Sticks
P. Glue Gun
Seam Iron Seam Tape Seam Roller Cookie Cutter Knee Kicker Slotted Blades Carpet Knife Tool Box Seam Squeezer Set Seam Squeezer Set Napping Shears Carpet Awl Training Tape Stair Tool Rubber Mallet Glue Sticks Glue Gun

Carpet Repair Package
Rotovac guarantees the lowest prices
Call 1-888-768-6822 for pricing

Seam Iron Seam Tape Seam Roller Cookie Cutter Knee Kicker Slotted Blades Carpet Knife Tool Box Seam Squeezer Set Napping Shears Carpet Awl Training Tape Training Tape Stair Tool Rubber Mallet Glue Sticks Glue Gun
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