The Rotovac DHX
"Carpet Restoration PowerHead for High Performance Carpet Cleaning "

Rotovac DHX Carpet Restoration and Cleaning Machine1. It's a Money Making Machine

The Rotovac DHX has an amazing ability to impress your customers as it thoroughly deep cleans and restores heavily soiled carpet conditions. Matted traffic lanes and stubborn stains can now be deep cleaned and restored with minimal operator effort. Your customers will become your cheerleaders and you will notice a dramatic increase in your referral business when you clean with the Rotovac DHX Carpet Restoration PowerWand.

Tired Carpet Cleaner2. Power Extraction Cleaning with Ease

The Rotovac DHX takes the backbreaking "wand fatigue" labor out of carpet cleaning. Dual high torque motors along with a comfortable ergonomically designed dual grip handle team up to make the DHX extremely easy to operate and maneuver.

3. Variable Head Speed Control

The DHX is equipped with a variable head speed control dial which allows the operator to customize the head speed from 50 r.p.m. up to 250 r.p.m. This feature allows the DHX to adapt to a wide variety of carpet from direct commercial glue downs to plush installed over pad residential carpeting. Glue down carpet may require a slower head speed for smooth operation and maximum recovery while installed over pad plush carpeting may need a faster head speed for best results.

The Rotovac works with any truck mount or portable carpet cleaning machine
The Rotovac is airflow calibrated and high pressure plumbed to operate with everything from small carpet cleaning extractors to the largest, most powerful truck mount systems.

Here's how it works:

The Rotovac employs a patented process of Rotary Jet Extraction cleaning. Each stainless steel cleaning head has three spray jets followed by three vacuum slots. Dual high torque gear motors power the heads in a counter-rotating motion at 250 RPM to produce 1500 rotary cleaning passed per minute.

Bottom view of the Rotovac
Click here for more information on how the Rotovac works

The patented dome-shaped design of the cleaning heads completely encapsulates the spray jets and vacuum slots to create a "steam chamber" effect in the cleaning zone with minimal heat loss. This powerful combination of contained heat, agitation and multiple flushing action creates cleaning dynamics that cannot be equaled with a manual wand.

